CRM Features That Make A Difference

Cotgin CRM offers a cost-effective customer retention management platform to streamline teamwork, manage leads easily, and add more business to your pocket. We simplify complex tasks and amplify your business growth. Explore the power of Cotgin CRM today!

Support Management
CRM Analytics
Customization Features
Security Management
Data Administration
Marketing Automation
  • Customer Support
  • Solutions
  • Web-To-Case Form
  • Notify Owner
  • Standard Report
  • Target Meter
  • Schedule Report
  • Custom Dashboard
  • Standard Dashboard
  • Custom Reports
  • Leads
  • Contacts
  • Bookings
  • Meetings
  • Activities/Logs
  • Calendar
  • Reminders
  • Multiple Currencies
  • Document
  • Gateway Integration
  • Proforma Invoice
  • Partial Payments
  • Record Payments
  • Email Reminders
  • Invoicing
  • 3-Ways Login
  • Accessibility Control
  • Activity Tracker
  • Assign Roles
  • Data Encryption
  • Security Audits
  • File Storage (For Org.)
  • Additional File Storage (For Org.)
  • Data Import - Duplicate Checker
  • Import History & Data
  • Export Module Data
  • Data Backup
  • Schedule Mass Email
  • Autoresponders
  • Email Opt-Out
  • Custom Email Templates
  • Mass Email

Comprehensive CRM Solutions For Every Sector

Cotgin CRM offers an all-in-one solution for customer and sales management for businesses of all size and type.

  • Hospitality
  • Entertainment
  • Health
  • Food
  • Recruitment
  • Insurance
  • Logistical
  • Legal
  • Real Estate
  • Education
  • Government
  • Press Release

Choose Cotgin CRM Today and Witness Your Business Growth

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